
Carbide Brazed Boring Bars

A complete 9 Pc. set of carbide tipped boring tools. Rigid design providing heavy steel body behind the cutting edge for chatter free boring. The heavier head size behind the cutting edge provides rigidity & longer life since the vibration is
reduced. Shanks are precisely grounded.


Product Code Shank Dia (Inch) Min Bore Dia (inch) Max Bore Depth (Inch) Oal (Inch)
SMAB-5416-A 3/8 5/16 3/4 2
SMAB-5416-B 3/8 5/16 1-1/8 2-3/8
SMAB-5416-C 3/8 5/16 1-1/2 2-3/4
SMAB-5416-D 3/8 3/8 15/16 2-3/16
SMAB-5416-E 3/8 3/8 1-13/32 2-21/32
SMAB-5416-F 3/8 3/8 1-7/8 3-1/8
SMAB-5416-G 3/8 7/16 1-1/8 238
SMAB-5416-H 3/8 7/16 1-11/16 2-15/16
SMAB-5416-1 3/8 7/16 2-1/4 3-1/2
SMAB-5416-JA set of above 9 Boring Bars of 3/8″ Diameter
SMAB-5416-K 1/2 5/16 3/4 2-1/4
SMAB-5416-L 1/2 5/16 1-1/8 2-5/8
SMAB-5416-M 1/2 5/16 1-1/2 3
SMAB-5416-N 1/2 7/16 1-1/8 2-5/8
SMAB-5416-0 1/2 7/16 1-11/16 3-3/16
SMAB-5416-P 1/2 7/16 2-1/4 3-3/4
SMAB-5416-0 1/2 9/16 1-1/2 3
SMAB-5416-R 1/2 9/16 2-1/4 3-3/4
SMAB-5416-S 1/2 9/16 3 4-1/2
SMAB-5416-TA  set of above 9 Boring Bars of 1/2″ Diameter
SMAB-5416-U 5/8 5/16 3/4 2-1/4
SMAB-5416-V 5/8 5/16 1-1/8 2-5/8
SMAB-5416-W 5/8 5/16 1-1/2 3
SMAB-5416-X 5/8 7/16 1-1/8 2-5/8
SMAB-5416-Y 5/8 7/16 1-11/16 3-3/16
SMAB-5416-Z 5/8 7/16 2-1/4 3-3/4
SMAB-5416-AA 5/8 9/16 1-1/2 3
SMAB-5416-AB 5/8 9/16 2-1/4 3-3/4
SMAB-5416-AC 5/8 9/16 3 4-1/2
SMAB-5416-AD 5/8 11/16 1-7/8 3-3/8
SMAB-5416-AE 5/8 11/16 2-13/16 4-5/16
SMAB-5416-AF 5/8 11/16 3-3/4 5-1/4
SMAB-5416-AG A set of above 12 Boring Bars of 5/8″ Diameter
SMAB-5416-AH 3/4 7/16 1-1/8 3-1/8
SMAB-5416-AI 3/4 7/16 1-11/16 3-11/16
SMAB-5416-AJ 3/4 7/16 2-1/4 4-1/4
SMAB-5416-AK 3/4 9/16 1-1/2 3-1/2
SMAB-5416-AL 3/4 9/16 2-1/4 4-1/4
SMAB-5416-AM 3/4 9/16 3 5
SMAB-5416-AN 3/4 9/16 1-7/8 3-7/8
SMAB-5416-A0 3/4 11/16 2-13/16 4-13/16
SMAB-5416-AP 3/4 11/16 3-3/4 5-3/4
SMAB-5416-AQ 3/4 13/16 2-1/4 4-1/4
SMAB-5416-AR 3/4 13/16 3-3/8 5-3/8
SMAB-5416-AS 3/4 13/16 4-1/2 6-1/2
SMAB-5416-AT A set of above 12 Boring Bars of 3/4″ Diameter
SMAB-5416-AU 1 9/16 3 5
SMAB-5416-AV 1 11/16 3-3/4 5-3/4
SMAB-5416-AW 1 7/8 4-1/2 6-1/2
SMAB-5416-AX 1 11/16 4-1/2 6-1/2
SMAB-5416-AY 1 1-1/4 5-3/4 7-3/4
SMAB-5416-AZ 1 1-1/2 6-1/4 8-1/4
SMAB-5416-BA 1 1-5/8 7-1/2 9-1/2
SMAB-5416-Bb A set of above 7 Boring Bars of 1″ Diameter



SKU: SMAB-5416 Categories: ,